Election site AMIKOM E-Learning is based on the letter sent by the Committee for E-Learning Award 2009. These results obtained by the committee based on the review process of the various college sites in Indonesia including Yogyakarta STMIK AMIKOM. The jury in a comprehensive assessment based on the assessment of reference that have been determined.
STMIK AMIKOM likely to follow the Grand Final and has held a presentation directly in front of the jury on Saturday, November 7th, 2009 at Hotel Pitagiri Jakarta.Presentasi are represented by Jaeni Sahuri, S. Kom, Laksito Dwi Arif, S. Kom (Staff Innovation Center ) and Emha Lutfi Taufik, M. Kom. According to the coordinator Jaeni Content Development As IC "E-learning AMIKOM have experienced many changes and improvements both in terms of content and features and hopefully will get better results than last year at this eLearning Award 2009".